Our belief

We joining forces, because we know that together are are stronger!

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We aim to provide advice and information to people suffering from endometriosis and adenomyosis, and also to represent their interests through events, civil actions, and educational projects. Our hope is that in Romania all the necessary investigations and treatments for these conditions to be provided in public care, endometriosis to be recognized as a chronic disease, more doctors to find out about endometriosis, so delay in diagnosing and treating endometriosis to be reduced. 

Educational materials
Leaflets, brochures, guides, magazines and courses

By creating educational materials in electronic format as well as in print, we aim to reduce the impact caused by the lack of information. An informed person can make correct decisions and understand the disease much better. From symptoms to treatment, it can take up to 10 years, for several reasons. Educational materials will help those who want to learn more about endometriosis and adenomyosis.

Financial support
Full or partial coverage

One of the biggest concerns for women with endometriosis is the cost of surgery. With the help of our sponsors we want to provide financial support both for investigations and for intervention. We will also help people who need an association to sponsor surgery, using donations from one or more companies.


Many women are made to believe that menstrual cramps are normal. This prevents them from seeing a doctor when they feel something is wrong. Moreover, even doctors consider menstrual pains to be normal. Our association  scope is to raise awareness and educate so more patients will benefit from correct information on endometriosis. 

Webinars and events

We want to build a better future for the new generation, where health problems are addressed in time. We will work with medical specialists in the field to create events dedicated to endometriosis and adenomyosis, both for medical staff and for women suffering. Together with experts we will find out how we can defeat this disease and how to have a better life.